Girl: (walking by the guy at his locker) hey!

Guy: (shutting his locker and looking at her, confused) 

sorry...do I know you?

Girl: (looking hurt) You used to. (walks away)

Guy: Wait! (he grabs her arm)

Girl: (looks at his hand on her arm and then at his beautiful 

face) What?

Guy: I do know you. (pauses for a minute) I know your

 favorite flavor of ice cream is chocolate chip. I know

 you still sleep with a stuffed teddy named Maggie you got as

 a baby. I know you have a cat, who you love as much as

 any human. I know your heart is just as beautiful as your


Girl: Then why did you say you didn't know me?

Guy: Because I can't take care of something thats beautiful.

 It's like giving a gold necklace to a four year old who plays

 in mud. You would get hurt. I could never be the one to

 cause you that pain. So no, I don't know you. I Can't know 


Girl: Well I know you. And I know I want to do this. (she 

kisses him) It's not raining today.

Guy: What?

Girl: So there's no mud to even play in.


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